Nika Kutateladze - A Sparrowhawk Sits on the Sky in August
28 November - 12 December, 2021
Moving Gallery, the intersection of Kupradze str. and Mebrdzolta Str, Varketili-3 I micro-district, Tbilisi, Georgia
Indigo and Moving gallery by Artbeat present Nika Kutateladze’s spatial artwork 'A sparrowhawk sits on the sky in August'.
This artwork is a spatially constructed art installation based on the memory research of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. It analyzes the concrete chapter of the recent history of Georgia and experiences of the past war from the artistic perspective. The aim of the artwork is to find a new angle for contemplating the historic issues, for representing them in a creative way, and also to try and provoke a new type of dialogue about the conflict.
In this art work, reminiscent fragments of personal memories and historical events are brought alive. Putting both of them in the artistic setting creates the potential to view these issues from a different perspective.
The artwork refers to three different time scopes:
• The beginning of the war
• The war itself
• And the situation that followed the war.
As a result of this attempt, one episode of recent history is vividly reconstructed, uniting different phases of war as one complete picture.
The exhibition is part of the project Rebuilding Memory supported by the Swiss Embassy in Georgia, researching the memories of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict and also preserving human experiences in digital and physical depositories.
The project of Indigo aims at taking further the public discussion about the events that took place 30 years ago and also to expand the space for better thinking about the whole process of conflict transformation.