Tamar Botchorishvili - Precious Stone
Gallery Artbeat is pleased to present Tamar Botchorishvili’s solo exhibition, "Precious Stone".
"Tamar Bochorishvili’s narrative is built with combination of different mediums. Her graphic works include embroideries and collage, whereas her wooden and synthetic art objects are combined with paintings.
“Precious Stone” is a continuation of artist's previous stone series. In a form of an eye Botchorishvili attempts to create reflections of colorful stones found in the mountains. The artist believes that these stones compress energy, which has been accumulated for centuries. Mountain stones are recreated into the human eyes with their function, history and energy transformed. They become schematized, embroidered, entertaining and decorative similar to a human being, who tries to hide away from deep, dramatic and painful history and to recreate from fragmented diversity a new narrative.
By playing with flirty art forms “Precious Stone” tries to confront dramatic effects of time and dismantled body forms. Objects in the exhibition represent convulsive forms of our time’s broken body system, which are made from synthetic clay and second hand toys. Sex, sexual interaction, politics, power, domination and subordination are notions, which constantly change the structure of body and tissue, they appear in the sculptures made by the artist. Body begins to represent an illusory object of a psychologic drama and strives to leak away or even to disappear from wooden stands" - Lali Pertenava.
Tamar Bochorishvil’s artworks represent an attempt of self-reflexion and self-understanding. Graphic drawings and objects created by combination of different materials and techniques tell the story of past experiences, drama and unexpected future.
Artworks include small-sized sculptures and drawings. On the one hand, these artworks represent cheerfulness and a playful (toy like) aesthetics but on the other hand, they express topics like: family and society, body and sexuality, death and subconscious.
The works take form from personal and collective experiences and are changing according to the meaning of different narratives. They speak about fundamental issues that dominate on all levels of society and transform dramatic contexts into cheerful playing forms.
Photos by Angus Leadley Brown